Housing case studies: Identifying service users from the Armed Forces Community

***This Covenant case study database is still being built. If you have any case studies about identifying service users from the Armed Forces Community, suitable for adding to the database, please submit a case study.***

Better identification of members of the Armed Forces Community

  • Application forms to Wigan and Leigh Housing now include the question, ‘If you or your partner are serving or have formerly served in the Armed Forces, please provide details of your service number’. This is to assist with identification of members of the Armed Forces Community, to improve the way their needs are met.
  • The Cobseo Housing Cluster’s No Homeless Veterans Campaign aims to ensure veterans are identified at the point of need, and signposted to the enhanced support services available. It encourages public bodies to ‘Think Veteran’ by:
    • Identification – routinely asking every person who applies for housing whether they are a veteran, record and maintain the data, and label veteran-specific information on their website.
    • Support – consider whether they can meet housing needs and any unique needs arising from Service, refer them to the Veterans’ Gateway when all routes are exhausted, and appoint an accountable champion to ensure commitments are met.

    Stories of support provided to veterans and their families are available.

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