Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service

July 22, 2024

Op COURAGE is NHS England’s bespoke mental health treatment pathway for veterans. This comprises the Mental Health Transition and Liaison Service, High Intensity Service, and Complex Treatment Service. Op COURAGE is a national scheme that sees NHS staff working with those in the Service charity sector to deliver therapy, rehabilitation services and, in extreme cases, inpatient care, to hundreds of veterans each year. Those needing urgent help receive same-day referrals. Working with charities helps NHS staff understand the experiences and issues faced by veterans. It also provides a clear pathway for veterans to access and helps to integrate veterans with mental ill health back into everyday life.

It offers a range of treatments and support for veterans and those due to be discharged from the Armed Forces. This includes recognising the early signs of mental health problems and providing access to early treatment and support, as well as therapeutic treatment for complex mental health difficulties and psychological trauma.

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