Nominate an addition to the Legal Duty

Use the form below to nominate organisations and their functions for inclusion in the scope of the Covenant Legal Duty. Please use this form to submit on one issue at a time. We will aim to respond to you within 15 working days wherever possible.

To help you fill in the form, please ensure you have read the Additions to the Legal Duty.


  • About you

  • The organisation and its area of work you are nominating

  • This can be an organisation already in scope if you're nominating a new area of its work (in the next question).
    This can be several organisations if they share responsibility in this area.

  • Organisations can only be added to the scope of the Legal Duty in respect of specific areas of their work, so please make clear which areas you would like to add:
  • This can be any area of its work, not just in healthcare, education or housing.

  • Justification

  • The purpose of the Legal Duty is to: (1) remove disadvantages compared to the general population, arising from Service life, in the provision of goods and services; or (2) implement special provision for those who have sacrificed the most, such as the injured and bereaved.

  • To justify extending the Legal Duty, the disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision needs to be systemic. ‘Systemic’ means the disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision occurs regularly as an inherent part of the service offered by the organisation. It does not include one-off cases, or isolated examples of existing procedures not being adhered to, which are best resolved through reinforcing that procedure.
  • For example,
    • Several members of the Armed Forces community have experienced the same disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision from the organisation.
    • A member of the Armed Forces community has experienced the same disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision from several similar organisations.
    • The organisation’s terms & conditions cannot normally be met by a member of the Armed Forces community, due to the unique requirements of Service.
    Leave blank if unknown.

  • To justify extending the Legal Duty, the disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision needs to be caused by a lack of Covenant awareness, or a lack of consideration of the Covenant when decisions are made. This is because the purpose of bringing an organisation into scope of the Duty is to require it to be aware of and consider the Covenant principles, and place appropriate weight on them, when considering all relevant factors.
  • For example,
    • The organisation’s publications, or internal documents, do not mention the Armed Forces or the Covenant.
    • The organisation has not signed the Covenant or made any public statements acknowledging the Covenant.
    • The organisation does not investigate when it is told about an alleged disadvantage or lack of appropriate special provision.
    Leave blank if unknown.

  • Context and background

  • Leave blank if unknown.

  • Leave blank if unknown.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • If you have a query or comment about the Armed Forces Covenant and wish to receive a response, please use the Contact Us form.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.