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The support that charities provide to members of the Armed Forces community helps the nation fulfil its Covenant obligation. Find out more about showing your support, employing members of the…

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Please select Frequently Asked Questions about the Covenant, the Covenant Legal Duty, or signing the Covenant and Employer Recognition Scheme.

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FAQs – The Covenant Legal Duty

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Covenant Legal Duty are provided below. What the Legal Duty covers 1. Which organisations are subject to the Legal Duty? The organisations…

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Businesses can support the Armed Forces community and implement the Covenant by: BT signs the Armed Forces Covenant. Mitigating the impacts of Service life on customers from the Armed Forces…

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Sign the Covenant

Organisations may choose to sign a voluntary pledge in order to demonstrate their support for the Armed Forces community and for the principles of the Covenant. All organisations – public,…

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